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Emilee Gagnon

December 18, 1991 - September 23, 2013

Share your Memorial with Family & Friends

Hello I just happened to read Emilee's obituary and felt compelled to write. She was so young, I cannot imagine your pain. Though it's been a few years, I know you still love her and will never forget her. It is my hope that some thoughts from the Bible will bring you some hope, comfort and peace. It was never God's intention that we should die. When He put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he also put before them the prospect of living forever happy and in good health. (Genesis 1:28) Our creator has not given up on that original plan..perfect live on paradise earth...even though Satan, Adam and Eve messed up (Isaiah 55:10-11) The Bible tells us that it is Satan who is responsible for death, and not God as some would tell us. (Hebrews 2:14) Our creator Jehovah God sent his Son Jesus Christ to ransom us from death and to destroy the works of the Devil (1 John 3:8) Jesus said: "I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me will live though he dies." (John 11:25) With Jesus Christ enthroned as King of God's Kingdom, resurrection of the dead - including Emilee - and a restoration of paradise on earth is assured. It is My hope that until that time comes, you will find hope, comfort and peace in these promises from God. R/ Martin SkipperGrumby@aol.com

Posted by Martin Grant on January 16, 2017

John, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter, Emilee. We were out of town when the accident happened and didn't hear about it until we returned. As I realized that this dear person was your daughter, I had to let you know I was thinking of you and shared with Jim that you and I had worked together for many years before you retired. The accident was so very tragic in it's nature that he had already read about it and had already felt your loss, as I do. We offer our sincere sympathies to you, your wife and all your family and Emilee's friends. The world has lost a very bright beacon of love, caring and service.

Posted by Dot and Jim Russell on October 11, 2013

John, celia, Rebecca and Oliver. We cannot begin to think what you are going through right now, but need you to know we are thinking of you all every minute of every day. Emilee was a true blessing, as is Rebecca and Oliver. I am so proud and privileged to have met her several times and will never forget her beauty inside and out. John and celia, you two are the most loving, wonderful parents that your children could have and that love shines through in all of your children. God bless you all xxxxxx

Posted by Tracy nash on October 1, 2013

Emilee - you crammed so much into such a short time - your family and friends are so fortunate to have had you in their lives. Sending all our love to you and your family.

Posted by Linda David and Holly May on October 1, 2013

There are no words to express the sadness we feel for your family. We pray for strength and peace at this difficult time.

Posted by diane marrazzo and bill schumacher on September 29, 2013

John, I am so sorry to hear the news. Your daughter is truly an inspiration. I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through. I am at a loss for words. I’m thinking of you and you’re Family in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care

Posted by Mike Giugno on September 29, 2013

I will always remember Emilee's infectious laugh, her kind words, and her beautiful smile. I first met Emilee in Essay Writing. She was just finishing her cancer treatments, and I recall how brave she was. She quickly became one of my heroes. She never complained, she always worked hard, and she loved to learn. We shared a love of Harry Potter and realized many things in life related back to Harry's adventures. She was one of the founding members of book club. Of course she always fought with the others about what book to choose because they always wanted something much too inappropriate. She picked "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" by Stephen King. Now when I see that book or even hear Stephen King's name, I think of her and smile. I am so very sorry Emilee was taken from her family and friends. I know how sad I am; I cannot even imagine the heartbreak they must feel. But I will always remember that beautiful face and know that she made my life that much better just by being her crazy, funny self.

Posted by Heidi Finngan on September 29, 2013

So sorry for your loss, she was a beautiful and vibrant young lady! She left her mark on the world and will not be forgotten.

Posted by Alan Stone and Mary Fox on September 29, 2013

Praying for great grace and consolation for your entire family. We are so sorry for your loss.

Posted by The Martell Family on September 29, 2013

Emilee had touched our hearts in many ways that no one could ever take for granted. She was very uplifting, positive, brave & confident kind of girl. She even taught children art class during the summer a few years back(Even our child). Since the heartbreaking news, we've all cherished the grateful moments with Emilee. God will take great care of her. Our prayers go to everyone who is affected by the sad death of Emilee.

Posted by john,debra and meghan burke on September 29, 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Emilee from her work at Dollar Tree in Ashland. My prayers are with you.Emilee had talked about her art and school work on several occasions. I know we will remember her in our hearts because she had touched our lives.

Posted by Jim O\'Day on September 29, 2013

So sorry about your terrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wonderful person, terrible loss.

Posted by Michael Carew on September 29, 2013

Emilee, Although we didn’t see each other much outside of the dojo, I always knew that there was 20 minutes to chat between jiujitsu and karate twice a week. That always made my day, no matter what you would make me smile. I know it was a while ago, but when I was a freshman and you were a senior, I would always go to the Hewes’ little gatherings and you would lighten it up! I looked up to you, at your uniqueness and your spirit, and I still do. I know you were that bright, sunny, colorful spirit every day of your life and it breaks my heart that it was cut short. I think about you all the time and how you never failed to make me smile  I know you wouldn’t want me to stop living and I’m not, I’m living simply at the moment, but my life will be lived to its fullest and it has been inspired by you. Everything I do now I think of how you would smile and laugh at me, I admit that some of those things might not be the brightest, but they are making me happy and I know you would be happy that I am happy. I miss you very much and I know that you are here watching and laughing with that beautiful smile and beautiful colorful essence. I want to thank you for being in my life and changing it with your presence. You inspire me each and every day. Rest in Peace darling, you will never be forgotten. With much love, Your little karate-chopper Vicki

Posted by Vicki Miller on September 29, 2013

I cherish the memories of Emilee as a student. We both also cherish all the memories with Becca, Oliver, John and Celia with school events and Orlando Trips. Your loss is so profound but we hope you can also have some peace from knowing how many people Emilee touched in so many positive ways. Grades and successes on a stage serve to create wonderful experiences but the important things in life are so much more than these. It is how you travel your path and how you can be an influence on those around you. Emilee definitely excelled in the ways she touched her friends, family and others she met. She was a bright light in the world and her light will continue to shine because those who knew her will keep her light going. John, Celia, Becca and Oliver, you are all the same bright light for those you touch. We pray you will begin to heal soon and to realize how many people you touch in such wonderful ways. We are honored to know all of you and you all will be in our prayers in the days to come.

Posted by Stuart and Audrey Britton on September 29, 2013

Our deepest sympathies to the entire Gagnon Family. May you find comfort in your happy memories with Emilee. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. The Holliston Business Association

Posted by Holliston Business Association on September 28, 2013

I met her in college and I instantly knew she was Ana amazing person. I will forever remember and miss her :/

Posted by Greg Zalinski on September 28, 2013

I remember sitting on your couch and admiring how brave Emilee was, never complaining about what she was going through.. I've tried to emulate her strength and incorporate into my life. What a Blessing... I thank God for the privilege of knowing Emilee.. God bless you and your family. Love John & Nancy

Posted by John & Nancy Shoucair on September 28, 2013

Emilee was always such a friendly person that I could talk to and I'd often have long chats with her at the library about all sorts of things. She was a great person and I've seen her hula-hoop outside the library at Westfield state and she was a very talented girl. She'll never be forgotten. RIP. My prayers go out to Emilee and her family.

Posted by Kristin Repella on September 28, 2013

Emilee, I remember you so very well, after the many years I have known you I realized that I have known almost half of my life. I remember going to your grandparents house on Kent, and jeez was that a fun time. I remember how happy you made everyone and how lively you were, how you always were, and the Halloween party at your house still has me laughing. You are so talented and such a genuine person, our families were so close and I am sad to say we haven't been as close but we still love an care about you and your family so much. I remember talking to you about a week ago on Facebook and you were telling me how amazing it was to be on this trip, and that you were having the time of your life. You were amazingly happy and I am so happy that, that is how I'm going to remember you, how everyone is going to remember you. You are so nice and funny and kind and selfless, and you really, out of everyone in the world, were one Weston who true my deserves to live and I am so baffled that you are gone... I guess it's true tat the good die young. I miss you terribly and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love you Emilee, and Rebecca, John, Celia and over. I wish you all the very best and if you need anything, the Feloni family is always here. Love always, Alex Feloni

Posted by Alex Feloni on September 28, 2013

Emilee, I am so proud to call you my cousin, you are such a brave and caring woman, I know you touched so many peoples hearts and made a difference to so many lives. I literally don't have the words to say goodbye to you, it's heartbreaking. You will forever be in my heart. All my love goes to Celia, John, Rebecca and Oliver, you all must be so proud and I know Emilee is still watching over you, looking after you all. Rest in peace Emilee, you will never be forgotten my amazing cousin. I know your somewhere still making a difference to people's lives. I love you xxxx

Posted by Amy Osmer on September 28, 2013

I am so sorry for this loss. Emilee was an amazing girl, who I knew through both high school and college. She was such a free-spirit, and always had a smile on her face. my heart and prayers are yours.

Posted by Cassinda Hickey on September 27, 2013

I am still shocked and so saddened by this tragedy. I can't begin to imagine your pain. I feel honoured to have known Emilee her whole life. I will never forget you Emilee and will help to keep your memory alive. Rest in peace darling girl.

Posted by Sam Parkes on September 27, 2013

Celia, John, Rebecca and Oliver, We are deeply, deeply saddened and heartbroken over the tragic loss of Emilee. What a happy, wonderful person she was. We are praying for you.

Posted by the Deprey family on September 27, 2013

Johnny, I am so sorry for your loss. Although I never had the priviledge to meet your daughter, she seems to have been such a special young lady-full of life and love of others. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Posted by Donna Nathan-cousin on September 27, 2013

Celia, John, Rebecca and Oliver, Emilee was my first junior volunteer at Holliston Library. Such a lovely, kind, helpful, sweet, beautiful girl! Sending you love and prayers, Tenna xxxxxxx

Posted by Tenna Foale on September 27, 2013

There are no words to express how deeply saddened and sorry we are for your loss.

Posted by The Sayers Family of Holliston on September 27, 2013

Dear Rebecca and Oliver, My heart aches for your loss of your sister. I too have suffered a loss of a sibling at the very same age as you. Please know that in your heart she will never leave you, Emilee in her own way will communicate with you just keep your heart open and she will find you... My thoughts and prayers to you and your parents

Posted by A Holliston Parent on September 27, 2013

Celia, Johnny, Rebecca & Oliver, There are no words available to fully express how deeply we all ache for you. I wake and think of you, I go to sleep thinking of you. Someone previously wrote that it is those left on Earth who will be suffering and that Emilee is soaring in complete freedom and joy. That is so true. I enjoy the idea that Heaven has an endless supply of hair dye just for her! From now on, she will have a hand in every rainbow,and in the Fall's brilliant leaves. I have always thought of God as the ultimate artist. I guess He just needed a sparkling painting buddy. We love you & pray for your comfort, peace and healing. Sue, Dave & Dayvee

Posted by Suzanne Gagnon on September 27, 2013

No words as expess the sad less we are all feeling right now and will for long time she was so young to be taking away for you. John &Celia she is angel in heaven now in God hands Our prayer with you and your family God Bless

Posted by lee& Rita Chapagne on September 27, 2013

Emilee we watched you grow into a beautiful young lady that was achieving so much in your life. You had a style all of your own and a kindness that shone through. We used to look forward to you coming over to England and Amy used to look forward to you being at her birthday parties. We are all so sad that you are no longer with us. And we will miss you always. Xxxxxxxx

Posted by Helen mills ,Amy osmer. Anna sweet, on September 27, 2013

May your beautiful soul rest in peace... You leave a tremendous void in our hearts, but your unbreakable spirit will live on with in us. Heaven has gained a perfect angel... Love Always cousin Melissa xoxo.

Posted by Melissa Quinn on September 27, 2013

Tonight our bicycle club, Toledo Area Bicyclists, observed a moment of silence for Emilee. She has touched each and every one of us. We pray for you and your family.

Posted by Susan Richards on September 27, 2013

Her efforts were admired by many in our NWOhio community. The funds to fight MS will continue to grow, and her memory is one of its threads now, thank you for making her the person she became.

Posted by The Funkhouser\'s on September 27, 2013

I was very saddened to hear about the loss of Emilee, who in Northwest Ohoi to bring awareness and money for MS research. Countless individuals and families will receive the benefits of her kind labor, and we ache knowing someone as special as Emilee gave up everything for us. So many people will benefit from her work, including myself. By coincidence, we will be in Boston for a family wedding this weekend. I know it will be a wonderful celebration, but I will be ever mindful of Emilee's sacrafice for me, and for all the families that have been touched by MS. Because of Emilee, some day there might be a cure. In the meantime, there are some exceptional people such as Emilee Gagnon who are angels. May God bless Emilee.

Posted by Joe Barmann on September 27, 2013

The news of Emilee's loss is heartbreaking. Please know that we are all thinking of you and that there is boundless love and prayer being offered for your family. Love you ... Judy

Posted by Judy Ritcey on September 27, 2013

I am so so sorry for your loss. I hope that you find some comfort in knowing how much she was loved by so many.

Posted by Kristen Ford-Hernandez on September 27, 2013

My first memory of Emilee is of her forcing me to try the most vile substance on earth- a substance called Marmite. I noticed that her siblings and family seemed to eat it like peanut butter, but I was never able to understand the appeal. Still, Emilee made me try new things. I received post cards and letters from England, I watched Doctor Who because of her, I read new and strange books, we made comics together and nerded together and were great friends together. My mom said that death is only sad for the people here on earth, the ones left behind. For Emilee, it will be eternal bliss. Or, possibly, an endless rave with glowing hula hoops and infinite hair dye opportunities. Emilee is my heroine. God bless Emilee, God bless the people who formed her. In my prayers always. Love - Kate

Posted by Kate Ciavarra on September 27, 2013

so sorry for your loss, you are in our thoughts and prayers

Posted by The deGanne Family on September 26, 2013

To the Gagnon family, There are no words at all to describe How or Why things like this happen, yet they still do. But there are words to describe the infinite love, concern, care, and devotion a parent has for their child as John and Celia have for Emilee. There are also words for the absolute love Emilee had for her parents, siblings, family and friends and the joy she brought to them... and to our world. Emilee was a truly beautiful person with a pure heart and an amazing spirit. When Brendan introduced us to her, I instantly fell in love with her. My heart is broken by her untimely passing. Our world has certainly lost one of its finest members. There are no finite bounds to a love and spirit like hers. We are all better for having known her; the world is better because of her. I will always remember the good times, her infectious smile and the selfless way she lived. All our lives were remarkably touched by Emilee. My thoughts and prayers have been with you all. May God comfort you and keep you in his loving arms.

Posted by The Mello Family on September 26, 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. I can not imagine what you must be feeling. No parent should ever have to go through this. My families prayers go out to yours in this troubling time. Know that Emilee is looking down on you and she will always be in your heart.

Posted by Ed Connors on September 26, 2013

Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family at this very very sad time. May our Lord be with you all and give you the strength to carry on without your dear Emilee. She was a very special young women.

Posted by Judy and Pete Maddocks on September 26, 2013

We never had the good fortune to meet Emilee before this tragic accident, but our hearts are broken. As a cancer survivor and avid cyclist, I understand what drove her to undertake this challenge. Her passion for life and her generosity of spirit clearly touched a great many among us, and I'm sure she will be missed. Our prayers are with you in this darkest hour.

Posted by The Coffin Family, Concord MA on September 26, 2013

So sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. peter and Jody

Posted by Peter and Jody Delaney on September 26, 2013

We are so sorry for your loss of your daughter, Emilee. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. She is an Angel now watching over her family. Even though we never met her it is such a tragic loss of a beautiful young woman.

Posted by Julie & John Alicea ( Julie Catino and husband ) on September 26, 2013

I am so truly sorry for your terrible loss.. I came to know Emilee when she was in a relationship with my grandson, Brendan Mello. I could tell what a treasure she was from the very moment I met her.My late husband thought the world of her, as did the rest of my family. She was so thoughtful and supportive when , John, passed and was a rock for Brendan to lean on at a time that was so painful to him.I will miss seeing the light that glowed from her beautiful smile and heart.A light that lit up any space she occupied.What a remarkable young woman Emilee grew into..A daughter, a sister, that you, I'm sure were so very proud of.I pray that Emilee his safe in Gods arms, and that he is there standing beside you and helping you through this most difficult time in your lives.

Posted by christine hanna on September 26, 2013

Our condolences to Brother John, and the rest of the Gagnon family. We cannot imagine what you are going through, but will be here always. Our love to you all. Mount Hollis Lodge

Posted by Matt Bowie on September 26, 2013

Our hearts are so broken for the Gagnon family. We are so sorry to hear about the tragic loss of their daughter. Please know we are thinking of you all.

Posted by The Slattery Family of Holliston on September 26, 2013

Your family is in my prayers. It is not easy to lose a loved one, but take comfort in knowing God has a better plan for Emilee.

Posted by cousin Carol on September 26, 2013

Heartbroken for your family, may you find comfort in your faith, family and friends.

Posted by Marybeth Labb on September 26, 2013

Our hearts ache for the loss of your beautiful Emilee. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by Andrea & Keefe Chesmore on September 25, 2013

We are so sorry for your loss and have you all in our prayers during this very difficult time.

Posted by Givens Family on September 25, 2013


Posted by SILVIA ANTONUCCI- FUCCI on September 25, 2013

I shed tears of sorrow for your painful and unimaginable loss of Emilee. Such a bright and promising young life cut all too short. I pray for all of your family the strength to help you through this unspeakable tragedy.

Posted by A Holliston Mom on September 25, 2013

We are shocked and saddened by your loss. Our thoughts are with you.

Posted by Greta and Harold Kost on September 25, 2013

so very sorry to read about your daughter.Our prayers are with you & your family

Posted by joan& leo wyman on September 25, 2013

Dear Gagnon Family, Although we did not have the pleasure of knowing your daughter Emilee, we want to extend our deepest sympathy for your loss. You are in our thoughts & prayers.

Posted by Stephen & Linda King on September 25, 2013

We can't even begin to put into words the sadness we are feeling for you and your family. Please know you are in our prayers every minute and if you need anything know that we are here.

Posted by Jane & Jay Chiarelli on September 25, 2013

Dear John & Celia, Our hearts are so heavy right now. We are all grieving with you and your family. An unspeakable tragedy. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. May God, your family and friends be your source of comfort in the days ahead. With Love..

Posted by Jackie & Steve Napolitano on September 25, 2013

We have gotten to know Emilee so well these last few years. She and Christopher had such a special friendship. We fell in love with her the second we met her-everyone does. Emilee was a beautiful shining star that just lit up the room she was in. She feels like she has been a part of our family for a million years. We loved her and will miss her painfully. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and you family.

Posted by Caren & Glenn Holmes on September 25, 2013

Dear John , Celia and Family We are deeply sad when we found out about Emilee. The day you told us she was taking this trip we thought about her every day. I was always amazed about how far she cycled each day, when I would see John at the football field. We did not know her well but she was a girl that persevered through sickness as a child and to live out her dream riding across the country. You will be in our prayers and hearts. All our love, the Medeiros Family

Posted by Tia and Nelson Medeiros on September 25, 2013

So Sorry to hear about Emilee. My thoughts and prayers to John, Celia, and family. Emilee was an amazing woman!

Posted by Krystal Goodman on September 25, 2013

John and Gagnon clan, my deepest sympathies and condolences on such a tragic loss of your daughter Emilee...words can not express how heart broken I am for all of you..you are all in my thoughts and prayers...May God give you strength and watch over all of you....The O'Brien clan

Posted by John O\'Brien on September 25, 2013

John, Celia and Family...I sit here with a heavy heart as I type this message. I can't fathom why such tragedies occur to the best people. I did not personally know Emilee, but I do know that she impacted every person she encountered, no matter how small the interaction was. I hope you find strength in each other and the community to pick you up when your knees feel weak. You have an angel forever looking over you. My deepest condolences.

Posted by Kyle Napolitano on September 25, 2013

Although I didn't know Emilee, I wanted to reach out and let you know that we are praying for you and your family. We have children, we cannot imagine your pain. We pray that God will bring you some comfort as you transition to life with your daughter in your hearts and in heaven as your angel. God Bless you all.

Posted by Stacie Dowling on September 25, 2013

We are so very sorry for the loss of your daughter, Emilee. Please know that many, many prayers are with you for an abundance of strength, support, and healing comfort at this time.

Posted by Donna and Charlie Paradie and Boys on September 25, 2013

We are sorry for your loss. Larry& Joan Marsell

Posted by Larry&JoanMarsell on September 25, 2013

I am so sorry for your loss. Emilee was in my bicycle shop in Norwalk Ohio Monday afternoon about 4pm and we were talking about her trip, checking the air in her tires etc. We were impressed by her spunk and vitality. She was headed west on the North Coast Inland Trail and was talking about meeting a friend in Chicago Friday. So sorry this happened.

Posted by Joe Missler on September 25, 2013

We live on South Nissen Road near where Emilee died. We are so sorry for your loss. We wanted you to know how much we appreciate her work to raise money for MS. Deb has had MS since 2003 and she has benefitted from all the donations to MS research. Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

Posted by Bob & Deb Valasek on September 25, 2013

I was devastated to hear of this horrible tragedy. I am an avid cyclist, and it tears me up to know that someone so young was killed doing something I am passionate about. My heart aches for your loss.

Posted by Robert Erbeau on September 25, 2013

I wish for you, the greatest of strength and some comfort in this, your time of sorrow and tragedy. May peace find you and hold you tight.

Posted by Pete Hustwayte on September 25, 2013

The cycling community in N/W Ohio is mourning the loss of a lovely young lady. We pray for your family during this tragic time.

Posted by Jeffrey Harrison on September 25, 2013

May Good bless you with patience and peace.

Posted by Lisa Hawary on September 25, 2013

I am so so sorry for your loss Emilee was supposed to spend the night at my house last night. She last texted me at 5:00 and I texted her that I would feed her. When she didn't show up at about 7:00, I texted her asking if she was ok and did she need a ride and that I had supper waiting for her. I had no idea why she didn't show until later last night. From our short exchanges, she seemed like such a lovely young lady. My heart and soul is with you today and in the days to come. Our bicycling community is mourning her today.

Posted by Susan Richards, Perrysburg OH on September 25, 2013

I am so sorry to hear of Emilee's accident. Taylor and our whole family are so sad for your family's loss. May God be by your side during this unimaginable pain.

Posted by Jane Haverty on September 25, 2013

My heart aches for your loss, may you find comfort. May you remember all the happy memories you have of Emilee. John and Celia you are loved and I will continue to pray for you and your family. GOD BLESS

Posted by Joan MacGray on September 24, 2013